
Goblins of Elderstone - The Goblin Tribe Simulator

Created by Lost Goblin

Build a goblin village! Manage a chaotic tribe! Survive Winter! Expand, Trade and Conquer! Commune with the Gods! Be the Goblin King!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Off to PAX and happy Halloween!
over 7 years ago – Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 03:50:28 PM

Happy Halloween!

I know its tomorrow but I'll be flying so no update from me so here is the Halloween goblin we made that most of you have already seen! Hope you have a fun filled day full of laughs and candy!

Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!


Here is a Work In Progress of Complains of Names. 

Complains of Names
Complains of Names

Someone rightfully pointed out his purple tattoo is on both arms and it shouldn't be! Fret not, this is merely an artifact of the modeling process (most things get modeled symmetrically at first and the edited after) we just missed this tiny detail (and his not missing finger :D). The legs however might have to stay that way because creating his unique leg structure and animation will be a technical burden we won't afford. There are also a number of details that we will update once we have completed all 4 heroes with feedback we've received from Tarol. We will post them all together in their final form once this has been done!

PAX Australia

I am flying to Melbourne Australia tomorrow for Melbourne Games Week and particularly PAX Australia. We are showcasing the game and will be in the Indie Pavilion at Stand 35 if any of you are there PLEASE come and say hi and play the game with us. A few of our team members are flying on Friday to join me and help out at the booth and meet everyone. 

We've got lots of meetings lined up with press people who will be chatting to us and playing the game, I'm sure we'll get a lot of coverage and this will really boost our campaign to hopefully tick a stretch goal or 2.


Speaking of press we've started getting quite a bit of coverage recently and I only expect this to increase. Here are a few selected links:

Our first Youtuber LetsPlay - TinyPirate, please check out his video, upvote and subscribe and leave a nice comment to show our Tribe support for his video and hope he makes a whole series of them!

The nice people at PixelSift did an interview with me and it went well enough (I'm still getting used to the whole being interviewed thing, hopefully I'll get better at them fast!)

We were featured in EpicFriday last Friday, which is a compilation put together by the amazing people at Epic and it's a big honour for us! We love Unreal Engine! :D

Minor Page Updates

I'm also making a few small updates to the page and one of the tiers (The Great Speaker) to update the campaign with everything thats been going on and some nice quotes from people that have seen our game. 

The Great Speaker tier I realized wasn't very compelling, as having an exclusive conversation with us is redundant considering the open development we are heading towards and all the interviews and press going on. So we've changed this to a 4 hour gaming session as well as a custom 10cm tall figurine of the character that person ends up designing with us. This is in addition to the goblin figurine already part of that reward. A custom figurine as also been added as a reward for our super backer at the Party Goblin tier of course.

That's it for now, there is always more to cover but I'll spread out the rest for the next update from Australia! Wish us luck at the expo and as always keep sharing and help us push the campaign so we can start getting those stretch goals ticked off!

We now have 2 weeks left, lets do it!

A thousand thank yous!

Gustav and the Lost Goblin Team

Second Half and Stretch Goal time!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 04:10:16 PM

Welcome to the tribe to all the new backers!

We are now in the second half of the Kickstarter campaign and already almost at 90%! This is really fantastic and we couldnt be happier with the progress! We are also doing very well on Steam Greenlight having moved into the top 100 in only 2 days and are now at number 60 out of almost 1800 games! 

So a big thank you to all of you for sharing and voting for us, if you haven't had a chance yet please do so and of course keep sharing the campaign with everyone.

Halloween Fun

for those of you that joined us for the last twitch stream - here is the result and a sneak peak of the Halloween promo goblin our amazing artists Moritz made for you:

Ah hooooo!!
Ah hooooo!!

PAX Australia

We are going to Melbourne Games Week next week and will be showcasing Goblins of Elderstone at stand 35 in the Indie Pavilion at PAX Australia from 4-6 November. If you are going to the event please come by and say hello and play the game. I'd love to meet you and thank you personally! - we might even have some button pins available for you ;)

Seasonal Art Changes (or Winter is Coming!)

Now that we have almost ticked off the initial funding goal I'd like to start talking about some of our awesome stretch goals! Seasons play a big role in our game and the different seasons all have an impact on your little goblins. In summer it will be hot and the goblins will more easily get lazy and take more naps. However resources will be bountiful and you will need to make them work harder to prepare for the coming winter. Winter will often be harsh, food resources will disappear and temperatures can drop very low making your goblins cold. When they are gold they are productive but need to find warmth or they could freeze to death. They will find warmth from the campfire or from their warrens but you need a constant supply of firewood - so be sure to stock up for the winter! Enemy creatures will also spawn around the map in winter and wild animals will come closer to the village seeking food. You will need to make sure you have enough guards and warrior on hand to protect your clans and also some priests and shamans to heal and cure any goblins that get injured or cursed. In spring however the world will warm up again and food resources will regrow. The world will become a little bit more peaceful again as you prepare for the next cycle.


So whats with the stretch goal? These systems are great mechanically but at the moment the games art does not reflect these major season changes. We will implement very basic changes to the world for the game before release of course however we want these drastic season changes to also have drastic and deservedly beautiful art changes to along with it. Creating these extra assets and all the code functionality to create a seamless and dynamic shift through these seasons will require more resources from us. We know exactly how to do it, but its costly and therefore we have added this as a stretch goal. So here are some images and gifs of what the game could potentially look like if we get to this stretch goal - please keep in mind these are quite rough mockups done with existing art that we modified and implemented in separate test levels just to give you an idea. These are by no means what the final art would look like (it would look much better still). So again thank you for getting us this far, if you want to see more of this or have any questions please feel free to ask and lets keep sharing the campaign and start pushing towards this fantastic stretch goal!


mock up of what winter could look like
mock up of what winter could look like


with falling snow and a new village
with falling snow and a new village


a winters night
a winters night



an autumn day
an autumn day


with lots of grass
with lots of grass

 So I hope that gives you a decent idea of what we want to achieve and I know with your help as a united tribe we can get there. So keep sharing, keep talking about the game we are making together and lets reach those stretch goals!

Thank you again as always and have a fantastic week!


The Lost Goblins

Now on Steam Greenlight!
over 7 years ago – Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 12:17:44 PM

Greenlight Time Tribe!

Just an update to say we are now on steam greenlight!

Please head over and vote for us so we can get approved onto steam for when we do our release to Early Access next year.

 Thank you all for your amazing and continued support! 

<3 Lost Goblin 

30k and 75%
over 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 07:24:27 PM

Those are some amazing numbers!

Just a quick update to say a big thank you to everyone and especially to the backers (especially you, you know who you are) that came to hang out in the stream yesterday! We're now into the final 10k and it feels like the home stretch!

Speaking of stretches it's time to be talking about the stretch goals soon! I will post about the first stretch goal "Seasonal Art Changes" in an upcoming update. 

Steam Greenlight

Also be ready to vote for us on Steam Greenlight! I have the page ready and will launch the greenlight this week most probably, I'm just making sure the timing is right.


To celebrate the latest milestone I present to you a sneak peak of a WORK IN PROGRESS (yet to be approved) Thaco, the ass kicking goblin monk:


Again a million thanks and hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
